02/09/2024 14:40

Brazil will have the second largest delegation in the FIA Karting World Championship; Kart Motor will provide live coverage

Championship will be next week in England

Fonte: Portal Kart Motor | Erno Drehmer

Cobertura do Mundial 2023
Foto: Arquivo

With 233 registered drivers, the FIA Karting World Championship will be held in England, at the PF International Karting Track, between September 12 and 15, with live coverage by Portal Kart Motor.

The number of participants is a new record and surpasses the 214 registered last year in Franciacorta, Italy. In addition to them, another 29 drivers will compete in the OK-N World Cup, totaling 262 registered from 59 countries.

Brazil will have 17 drivers in total, divided between the OK Junior, OK and OK-N categories, the second largest delegation in the main karting competition in the world. Five of them will participate in the World Championship after winning their places in the Regional Cup and will join the Parolin team with their “technical” expenses – registration, chassis, tires, engine, fuel, etc. – paid for by the CBA. Two others secured their places by becoming champions in the South American Championship.

OK is the category in which we will have the most Brazilians, a total of eight. Allan Croce, Bernardo Bernoldi (son of Enrique Bernoldi, who competed in two seasons in Formula 1), Enzo Nienkotter, Gabriel Koenigkan, Matheus Morgatto (world champion in 2022), Miguel Costa, Murilo Rocha and Olin Galli have all confirmed their participation.

Brazil will have six drivers in OK Junior: Augustus Toniolo, Caio Zorzetto, Lucas Correa, Marcelo Tortato, Victor Alencar and Vinícius Ferro, and three in OK-N (Enzo Prando, Heitor Dall´Agnol and Lucas Moura).

The largest delegation will be from Great Britain, with 56 entrants. Brazil, as we said, is in second place, with 17, followed by Italy (16), France (13) and the United States (10).

The FIA Karting World Championship will be held in the same format as in recent years and recently used in the South American Championship, that is, qualifying races and a Pre-Final, whose points total will determine the 36 drivers who qualify for the Final. In the World Cup, which has fewer than 36 entrants, all drivers will compete in the Final.

Portal Kart Motor's live coverage is supported by CBA, CRG, DTR Motorsport, Eiko Brazil, Libercard and Pizza Crek and by drivers Allan Croce, Caio Zorzetto, Enzo Nienkotter, Enzo Prando, Gabriel Koenigkan, Heitor Dall'Agnol, Lucas Correa, Lucas Moura, Marcelo Tortato, Victor Alencar and Vinícius Ferro.

CBA SUPPORTED DRIVERS COMPETING IN FIA EVENTS – In addition to the five drivers qualified for the World Championship through the Regional Cup Brazil, the country has four other drivers nominated by the CBA to compete in FIA events in this year: Raphael Gebara (FIA Academy), Theo Salomão (Junior), Lucas Moura (Senior) e Pedro Santa Rosa in the FIA ​​Motorsport Games.

Foto: Gilmar Rose

OK Junior drivers in the Regional Cup Brazil final

Cobertura do Mundial 2023
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